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Hand Facials -  An on-the-go appointment is an easy way to market products. Independent Senior Sales Director Julie Potts from Alpharetta, Georgia, teaches the Independent Beauty Consultants in her unit to do 10-minute hand facials while they are on the go. They can easily be done during a lunch hour or at a basketball game, anywhere there is a sink nearby. 

To conduct hand facials, you will want to have samples or demos of the products mentioned below. Julie also has a Travel Roll-Up Bag on hand, filled with the Beauty Essentials sets so she can upsell glamour and skin supplements as well.

At each step of the hand facial, you'll want to be sure to share the benefits of each item, including the results of using TimeWise that are presented in the Beauty Book.

You may suggest the customer apply the products in the following order:

Step 1 Apply TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleanser on the back of the right hand. Rinse off.
Step 2 Apply TimeWise Age-Fighting Moisturizer on the back of the right hand
Step 3 Apply Day Solution with Sunscreen SPF 15 on the right hand.
Step 4 Apply Night Solution on another area of the right hand.
Step 5 Apply Mary Kay Foundation on the back of both hands. Point out the difference in how the foundation blends and looks on the hand that was first "primed" with the TimeWise products.
Step 6 Finish with the first three steps of Satin Hands on both hands to remove the foundation. For the fourth step, Julie substitutes the TimeWise Visibly Fit Body Lotion for the Satin Hands Hand Cream to help promote the purchase of the Day Spa products in pocket 4.

Julie teaches Consultants to have a Miracle Set and a Day Spa Set ready for the customer to take home. (The suggested retail price is $152.) She also encourages them to include a team-building brochure and to book a follow-up appointment. 

Success in scheduling appointments begins with our attitude.

We have to believe that everyone deserves to have a makeover and everyone deserves to wear the product. It helps to believe that when a woman wears Mary Kay, she likes herself better. She may even yell at her kids lessshe will make a better wife, mother, employee, etc. That all may seem a little extreme, but it is meant to stress the importance of believing that you are doing a SERVICE. If you feel like people are having a facial or skincare class for you as a favor, it will come across as a lack of confidence. I know that there will be times when some people will schedule because you need their help in reaching a goal, etc. However most of the time, it will be because of your enthusiasm for the product and how excited you are to share it with them or to get their opinion.

The question should never be, Would you be interested.?

If you dont know whether she would be interested or not, she will doubt her interest. Instead, the question should be, "Has anyone treated you to a makeover recently? Do you currently have a consultant who is servicing you? No? Then I want to make you a priority in my schedule to treat you to one. In fact, you can be a model in our Million Mile Makeover Contest!  (Then tell her about that.) I cant wait to get your opinion of our new products!

If the objection is that she tried it before and it broke her out, find out how long ago it was and then you might say, Oh good, I have been looking for someone who had that problem. If I were willing to do a makeover and work with you, would you be willing to be a model in our contest and give me your opinion of the new Mary Kay (or my facial)?

If the objection is that she wears Brand X, you might say, Oh good, I have been looking for someone who uses that brand to get their opinion of how the New Mary Kay compares.

Even if you end up still preferring Brand X, I would enjoy the time with you and treating you to a new look.and I sure would value your opinion. Which is best in your schedule, mornings or evenings.Tuesdays or Thursdays, etc.? NEVER run down another product.

BELIEVE that you have one of the best products available and that YOUR service is the best. Be so busy that you are working people in on your schedule. People love to do business with successful people. ARE such a person! Have fun scheduling!!!

Selling Mistakes - This is a list of the most common selling mistakes.  A look at this could change the way you do business.   and could increase your bottom line!

Yard Sale! 
Customers measure their purchases to determine their discount!  When they lay their product end-to-end along a yardstick, their discount is the number of inches the product reaches - up to 36%!  You'll be surprised at how many customers will purchase more just to reach 36 inches.  And you'll find it almost always adds up to $100 if they reach 36 inches!  Ready-to-print postcard! 

Spring Cleaning - An old favorite I hauled out of the closet!  Encourage your customers to hold a Spring Cleaning Party.  The class features a 'trash it' theme - out with the old and in with the new (Mary Kay, of course!).

Neglected Customer Letter - This is a letter for those customers you haven't seen for awhile.  Start the new year by providing better customer service

Cash Game - Your customer earns cash while generating new leads for you!  It's a win-win situation!

If your mind can concieve it, and you can believe it, then you can ACHIEVE IT!!!