Inventory - A Businesswoman's View
WOW!!! Thanks to N.S.D. Sheron Flaster for passing this on.
I can't
STRESS enough the value of having your inventory, your store, fully stocked with lots of choices or how many new customers
I kept over the years because I can service them on the spot. I can't tell you how much more in sales I have because of impulse
buying, they see it, they like it, they buy it.
A few weeks ago, I was doing an order for a new consultant, she was going
to invest over $50,000 in a new business, so I didn't limit her order to just $3600, I decided to order what I really thought
she needed on her shelf to run her business. The shelf with 2 of some things, but 3-4-5-6 of popular colors. I stopped at
$5000 wholesale but could have used more. I currently have an inventory of around $7000-8000 wholesale. I'm sure that that
is not even a lot to most of the court winners every year.
One consultant feels she needs to get to profit level and get
serious before she invests the money. The problem is that she won't get serious, she doesn't need to. If she invested the
money and had to make a payment, she would get real serious. So many of you are thinking the same way.
I pray for
you to turn over a new thought about your inventory. Get it up to profit level, star level, with up to $1010 in FREE PRODUCT,
is a perfect time to invest in yourself. Mary Kay always taught us to take action when the MOST is being given away. This
offsets interest on a loan and gives you an opportunity to really make money.
Think different abundance thoughts so
you can have an abundant life. God does want you to step out of your comfort zone, grow, rely on HIM. Small thoughts, actions,
plans, produce small results. BIG thoughts, actions and plans, produce BIG results. It is a choice. How are you going to choose
Here is a true N.S.D. story about vision: One day a N.S.D.'s husband said I meant to tell you; I invested
$10,000 dollars in (whatever) and we will make 7% interest on the money in 7 years. She said, Oh, really? He said, What's
wrong? She said, Nothing. He said, I know something is wrong; what is it? She said, Well, I was thinking that if you had invested
the $10,000 in Mary Kay products, I would have received 13% (her Unit Commission) on $10,000 immediately - that would be $1,300,
some gorgeous prizes, probably a TOP TRIP with Mary Kay and 50% on the $10,000 - that would be $10,000, when I sold it! And
it wouldn't take me 7 years to sell it! That would be $11,300 plus we would make on our $10,000.
How many of
us look at our Mary Kay inventory this way? Or do we look at it as something we hope we can sell.
What are you making
on your Money Market Account? 4%, 5%? What are you making on your savings account? 2 1/2%? What are you making on your CD's?
5%?. How about the stock market? If you are doing GREAT you may make 15%. Or you may lose it all! We have looked into different
plans and found that we could buy an annuity and make 7% if we invested $15,000 and left it there for 10 years.
we could buy bonds and make 4% or 5% if interest rates were high. But interest rates are low so that won't work. I have money
in an IRA. That's good. However, I am past the age where I can add to it and if I take it out I am taxed on the full amount
THIS YEAR.. Everyone is telling you to plan for your retirement. We are going to live a long time. So, I do believe that you
need to start some kind of retirement account RIGHT NOW! Oh, you aren't making enough money to save any? Work your Mary Kay
(along with your regular job) and put every bit of profit you make into a retirement account. You say you don't have time
to do anymore than you are doing now? Sure you do. You better, if you want any money when you're 55, 60, 65, years old or
older! Do you get tax benefits at your other job? What if you can't sell it? The only reason you wouldn't be able to sell
it would be if you never told anyone that you were a Consultant.
The best interest you can get on your money RIGHT
NOW is to invest in your Mary Kay inventory and learn to be the best Mary Kay Consultant in the business. What do you listen
to when you get in your car? I hope it is motivational tapes. Other consultants are doing it. Find out how.
What about
the interest on the loan? When you are working a profitable
business, you are making a lot of money and you need tax benefits.
Besides the free product you would get between now and Tuesday will come very close to paying the interest and you still get
the deduction for the interest.
I didn't understand that what ever I was making, I needed to get my TAXABLE INCOME down
to zero or as close to zero as I could. Say you are making $40,000 at your job. You want enough tax shelter to get $40,000
down to zero or as close to zero as you can. You probably don't have ANY tax shelter working for someone else. With Mary Kay
you do!
Maybe you do want to quit your job but you say, The Company pays for my insurance . That is not true! The Company
doesn't pay for your insurance, you do! They just don't pay you what you are worth because they are using the money they should
pay you to pay for your insurance. If you allow yourself to earn more money it is easy to pay for your own insurance.
here>>> Debt vs Investment
by Robert Schuller
As A Winner's Circle Consultant!
It's important to understand when placing your initial inventory
order for yourself WHAT the most popular items are that you will be selling! Hands down it is the BEAUTY ESSENTIALS TRAVEL ROLL-UP! I honestly feel that you should
be using one ENTIRE ROLL UP for yourself, and you'll need to have one on display
so that your cusomters can touch and feel it! Buying is emotional and visual! Having Inventory
to open your store with is smart business - you
will build your business so much faster as a result of less time spent in one area! Below are the number
of Beauty Essentials Travel Roll Ups that you could make at each level of inventory.
REMEMBER: At each level you will
have 2 LESS SETS being you'll take one off of your shelf for personal use and one off of your shelf for display . So at a $600 level - it only gives you 1 set to sell. At
an average Skin Care Class you will sell
2 Beauty Essentials Travel Roll Up's! That's why it's so important to start off on the
right foot - as A
STAR CONSULTANT if at all possible!
in our Units are selling $700, $800, $900, $1,000, $1,500+ at one Group Selling Appointment using the Beauty Essentials Travel
Roll Up and it's tools!
INVENTORY: FORMS to Present Inventory Options
Note: The Bonus Amounts in the No Risk Sheets were made up based on an average of
$25 Bonus in the past. Some are lower.....Make note of that and refigure the free purchase bonus when presenting the
no risk inventory sheets.
Click here to view article -- Inventory Options Blank
(to be filled in for Monthly Product Bonuses)
Click here to view article -- Instructions How To Present Inventory
Click here to view article -- New Consultant Inventory Worksheet
See note
at top about Bonus amounts:
Click here to view article -- Inventory With No Risk Blank Worksheet
Click here to view article -- Inventory With No Risk 600 Order
Click here to view article -- Inventory With No Risk 1200 Order
Click here to view article -- Inventory With No Risk 1800 Order
Click here to view article -- Inventory With No Risk 2400 Order
Click here to view article -- Inventory With No Risk 3000 Order
Click here to view article -- Inventory With No Risk 3600 Order
Star Certificates << click to open idea
Welcome to the Winners Circle Family! We are so excited
to have you as a part of our FAST PACE GROWING Future Area! Your Director is so excited to mentor
into the position that you desire! Your excitment is just the beginning of great things to come!
Below are some copies of things that you have already received as part
of your initial Welcome Packet! You'll want to be sure to finish up your CHECKLIST and Call me or your Director
to get your! I know you are going to do great things! Love, Robin
- Ladder of Success For New Consultants
- Your Business Power Plan NEW 8/28
- Inventory Options Brochure (this may take a few minutes to open)
- Click to open Current Monthly NEW Consultant BONUS CHART
>>>>>>>>>>> Quarterly Tracking Sheet<<<<<<<<<<
Make up Artist Robert Jones Charts
RJ Notes, March '05
Click here for Foundation Comparision Chart
Click Here for Color Chart