What Stage Are YOU In? by Linda O. Scott ESD
1. Excitement…..Hot Dog! I’m so excited
about being in my Power Start, Red Jacket, On-Target for my car, Diq, Directorship, Cadillac, Unit Club, etc. I committed
to myself & my Director, we need the income, the car, etc. in my family.
2. Making Plans, I can see it now …. I’ve made my list of 25 for booking and recruiting. I just know my best
friends will book a class or listen to the career information to help me with training….wow, I’m so excited….‘Why
not you and why not now?’ keeps ringing through my head and heart. It’s my turn, it’s my time to achieve.
3. Beginning…I have my time set to start…Mary Kay Ash always said that beginning is half the job . Beginning
is winning... Got to begin….set a time to get on the phone.
4. Shaky beginning…finally got some one to answer the phone (the first 10 didn’t answer), Finally got my first
booking…yipee….I’m going to do this I'm on my way. I can see that car in my driveway, my family is
so excited.
5. I can see it Happening….I have my first 5 classes and 2 interviews booked. This is my time….why not me and
why not now? I’m excited.
6. This is harder than I thought… 4 of my 5 classes cancelled, the 2 interviews did hold and both said No, not now
. I did get 2 more classes booked for Next month… I still have people on my list to call, but this is more challenging
than I thought….
7. THE BIG ONE….DENIAL OF THE GOAL, & rationalization….
IT WITHOUT THE MONEY OR NEW CAR. My family doesn’t care, they don’t want me on the phone so much or gone 2 nights
a week. They are beginning to complain, the house is a mess (they had to pick things up), the clothes need washing (they didn't
have 10 pairs of socks folded in their drawer), I haven’t cooked 3 meals a day lately, (no one can cook but me) etc.
I can do this in the summer, or next year.
8. PARALYSIS…I do nothing, I don’t even want to return my Directors phone calls, I don’t want to talk
with my sister consultants, I’m not going to the meetings. Most of all I really question if I have what it takes
to do it, others tell me I can do it. Do they really know?
I really DO want this in my life! I am going to do this, I am going to work until I achieve it. I know that it’s
important not to stop before the miracles happen. I am going to have that Red Jacket, that Car, that $3000 + Directors check,
that Pink Cadillac, that NSD position. I CAN DO IT, AND I WILL DO IT….
I’m back to work RIGHT NOW. I’M TAKING CHARGE OF MY FUTURE. Winners never quit and quitters never win.
10. I DID IT!!!! The Thrill of Achievement…..The pride of Accomplishment..
I love bringing out my best, I love the pride I see in my families eyes, I love the pride in my own eyes. My family will
have the rewards of my effort for the rest of our lives, and I’ve helped others begin their own journey of Success.
Winners never quit and quitters never win. I WON….
Where are you on your goals? Are you at stage 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10?
Every goal that you will ever set will go through these stages, and it gets EASIER each time you go through the stages.
You are the one who will determine how long you stay in 7 & 8. When you are there, the best thing to do is REACH UP to
your Director, Sr. Director, etc. Someone who is where you want to be. The more maturity we have in our business, the easier
it is to reach up.
The greatest limitations are the ones we place on our selves OR allow others to place on us. Don’t be limited by
anyone, YOU just don’t know what you can really do until you have really, really, really give it all you have.
It’s your choice isn’t it? You can learn and go on or you can stay paralyzed.
Every DIRECTOR and Achiever will tell you that NOW when they go through # 7 & 8 stages that they know to go through
QUICKLY and recommit to their dreams and goals. And it never gets any easier next week, next month or next year, until you
Just Do It. I still go through ALL of these stages, however I HAVE LEARNED to keep working, recommit, verbalize, and visualize
my goals until they happen and they always do! Ardently desire, vividly imagine, & enthusiastically act, and it will come
to pass for you . Mary Kay Ash…. |