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Motivation: Daily Decisions Decide Destinies

DAILY DECISIONS DECIDE DESTINIES! I love that! Isn't it so true? Mary Kay has always said that your success lies hidden in your daily routine .
The longer that I am in this company, the more I realize that SUCCESS IS hidden in your daily routine! It's your DAILY DECISIONS that bring us to where we are! In fact, I would even go so far to say that there are only 2 REALLY KEYS to our business: 1)Time Management, and 2) Action.

KEY #1 - TIME MANAGEMENT. Would you agree with me that as women we have the extreme negative talent of guilt mastered? Well lets learn to un-learn that!!! There's no reason to feel guilty for anything if you plan your work, and work your plan ! TRULY it means sitting down with your family on Sunday, did everyone hear me....that means sitting down with your family on Sunday - and getting a schedule together! You may think it's trivial - but the reason we are NOT all guilt free is because we don't execute the action. Wouldn't you agree with me that the action is hard to execute if there is no plan? It's like walking in a circle with no leader. Where does the circle end? HERE! The buck stops HERE! The buck stops HERE!!

You've got to ink in a month at a glance! 1) Get your faith focused events scheduled, 2) Get your family focused events scheduled, 3) Get your Mary Kay events, trainings, and meetings scheduled.  Remember you'll have to block out the other J.O.B. as well.

Now you must decide where you want to be and WHEN! How much time are willing to put into your business? Does it match your goal? Another words...if you want to be a:

Director/Grand Achiever: 12 hours per week (3 classes)

National Court of Sales: 12 hours per week (3 classes)

Team Leader: 8 hours per week (2 classes)

Red Jacket: 4 hours per week (1 class)

These CONSISTENT hours are NOT optional if you want to really do something BIG with your talents and abilities!  Oh, you can do it on less - but you will be weak...and WE the Winners Circle are building STRONG LEADERS! This schedule gives you plenty of time to do your people work , paper work , meetings, etc. If you can't fit it all in - then you need to look at how you are spending your time and CHANGE SOMETHING!! Gloria Mayfield became a Director working another job, 1 hour commute and very involved with her church.  Her hours totaled sometimes 70+ hours a week.

After these hours, you are FREE! Work your business with 100% effort when you work it - and then when your OFF you are OFF!  Remember if you are home during the day - make your calls, do you thing - you are running a business and businesses have HOURS!  That doesn't mean you can't spend an evening make calls and other evening times holding appointments. But that does mean that you MUST have time for your MAN and your CHILDREN! They are the reason you are doing this! You must also have ONE day of complete rest and rejuvenation!

Join The 5 O'Clock Club!

All of this leads me to talk with you about the 5 O'Clock Club! YIKES! Look what happens when Jodi inspires me in the morning! (hee-hee) If you haven't read Mary Kay's Autobiography - this is where you should begin! Mary Kay was an avid believer in this program! It's nothing majorly scientific! Just GET OUT OF BED & GET YOUR FEET ON THE FLOOR during the 5 O'Clock Hour!

Now, I know, I know! I wasn't a morning person either - but ladies - you CAN teach yourself to do anything!! REALLY! I used to love to work between the hours of 12 AM and 3 AM! YUCK! Even though I thought I was VERY productive in that time - I realized how much more I TRULYget done in the mornings! HUGE DIFFERENCE! How do you communicate the 5 O'Clock Club to yourself? It's 6:29 am as I am typing this and I have the opportunity to see one of the most beautiful sunrises!

So, here's the deal! What do you do at 5 AM you ask?

Get Up!
Get Your Coffee!
Find Your Favorite Place!
Get Into Your Bible!
Do Your Affirmations!
Exercise! (optional - some like afternoon)
Suit Up & Show Up! (Shower - get your face on)
Listen To At Least 1 MK Motivational Tape!
Get Into Your Office or Work Space
Review Your 6 Most List!
Do Paper Work (Only if it's before 9 am)

Remember that 9-9 is PEOPLE TIME NOT paper time! REALLY! Seriously!! Don't get bogged down in paper! It doesn't make you money! You make money by SEEING NEW FACES!
Ask yourself... is what I am doing getting me closer to my goal ? If it's not you have 3 choices... 1)DO IT, 2) Dump It, or 3) Delegate It!  SIMPLIFY your business!  This is an easy business!  This is an easy business!  This is an easy business! We make it harder than it is!

Ladies....if you will just join me in getting your TIME MANAGEMENT fixed & mastered, then implement the 5 O'Clock Club. You'll be correctly set up for success - in fact success will happen when you put the ACTION behind the plan. If you are not working with these three KEYS - then chances are you are experiencing some frustration.  CHANGE.

Daily Decisions Decide Destinies!

GOALS: 10 Stages of a Goal

What Stage Are YOU In? by Linda O. Scott ESD

1. Excitement…..Hot Dog! I’m so excited about being in my Power Start, Red Jacket, On-Target for my car, Diq, Directorship, Cadillac, Unit Club, etc.  I committed to myself & my Director, we need the income, the car, etc. in my family. 

2. Making Plans, I can see it now …. I’ve made my list of 25 for booking and recruiting. I just know my best friends will book a class or listen to the career information to help me with training….wow, I’m so excited….‘Why not you and why not now?’ keeps ringing through my head and heart.  It’s my turn, it’s my time to achieve.

3. Beginning…I have my time set to start…Mary Kay Ash always said that beginning is half the job . Beginning is winning... Got to begin….set a time to get on the phone.

4. Shaky beginning…finally got some one to answer the phone (the first 10 didn’t answer), Finally got my first booking…yipee….I’m going to do this I'm on my way.  I can see that car in my driveway, my family is so excited.

5. I can see it Happening….I have my first 5 classes and 2 interviews booked. This is my time….why not me and why not now? I’m excited.

6. This is harder than I thought… 4 of my 5 classes cancelled, the 2 interviews did hold and both said No, not now . I did get 2 more classes booked for Next month… I still have people on my list to call, but this is more challenging than I thought….

7. THE BIG ONE….DENIAL OF THE GOAL, & rationalization….

. I REALLY DON’T NEED THAT RED JACKET, THAT CAR, WE DON’T NEED THE MONEY, WE ARE DOING JUST FINE, WE CAN MAKE IT WITHOUT THE MONEY OR NEW CAR. My family doesn’t care, they don’t want me on the phone so much or gone 2 nights a week. They are beginning to complain, the house is a mess (they had to pick things up), the clothes need washing (they didn't have 10 pairs of socks folded in their drawer), I haven’t cooked 3 meals a day lately, (no one can cook but me) etc. I can do this in the summer, or next year.

8. PARALYSIS…I do nothing, I don’t even want to return my Directors phone calls, I don’t want to talk with my sister consultants, I’m not going to the meetings. Most of all I really question if I have what it takes to do it, others tell me I can do it. Do they really know?


I really DO want this in my life! I am going to do this, I am going to work until I achieve it. I know that it’s important not to stop before the miracles happen. I am going to have that Red Jacket, that Car, that $3000 + Directors check, that Pink Cadillac, that NSD position.  I CAN DO IT, AND I WILL DO IT….

I’m back to work RIGHT NOW. I’M TAKING CHARGE OF MY FUTURE.  Winners never quit and quitters never win. 

10. I DID IT!!!! The Thrill of Achievement…..The pride of Accomplishment..

I love bringing out my best, I love the pride I see in my families eyes, I love the pride in my own eyes. My family will have the rewards of my effort for the rest of our lives, and I’ve helped others begin their own journey of Success. Winners never quit and quitters never win. I WON….

Where are you on your goals? Are you at stage 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10?

Every goal that you will ever set will go through these stages, and it gets EASIER each time you go through the stages. You are the one who will determine how long you stay in 7 & 8. When you are there, the best thing to do is REACH UP to your Director, Sr. Director, etc. Someone who is where you want to be. The more maturity we have in our business, the easier it is to reach up.

The greatest limitations are the ones we place on our selves OR allow others to place on us. Don’t be limited by anyone, YOU just don’t know what you can really do until you have really, really, really give it all you have.


It’s your choice isn’t it? You can learn and go on or you can stay paralyzed.

Every DIRECTOR and Achiever will tell you that NOW when they go through # 7 & 8 stages that they know to go through QUICKLY and recommit to their dreams and goals. And it never gets any easier next week, next month or next year, until you Just Do It. I still go through ALL of these stages, however I HAVE LEARNED to keep working, recommit, verbalize, and visualize my goals until they happen and they always do! Ardently desire, vividly imagine, & enthusiastically act, and it will come to pass for you . Mary Kay Ash….

If your mind can concieve it, and you can believe it, then you can ACHIEVE IT!!!