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Consultant Training
Monday, April 4, 2005
New Consultant Training Quiz!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Training!
Ok Girls! Here it is! There are 10 Questions! I want a HEARTFELT ANSWER for each one! Not just yes or no or one sentence! It won' take you very long and there are prizes for the top 2 consultants' scores!!!

1. What did Mary Kay say about attitude and do you keep a positive attitude ALL the time?

2. Why are Weekly Meetings SO VERY IMPORTANT and how have they helped you? (If you haven't been to one in awhile tell me what is getting in the way of you coming.)

3. Mary Kay will pay like a _____________ if you treat it like a ______________. Fill in this statement and tell me if you think it is true and why.

4. What are your 3 agreements with me and have you fulfilled them in your business (this includes email as well!)?

5. If there is a lapse of time between order and delivery, customers are more likely to __________ cancel there order. Do you make your customers wait for there product and why?

6. What is a Power Start and have you done yours yet?

7. In order to succeed in this business, profit level _____________ is crucial. Are you up to profit level? If not, why?

8. Why is it important to bring guests to Meeting? Have you brought guests to Meeting, why or why not?

9. How should you form your dreams and goals in Mary Kay? Have you given yourself dreams and goals for this month and quarter? What are they and what are you going to do to reach them?

10. What 3 things did you feel were most important to your business in this training and why?

Posted by linzythinkspink at 12:33 PM EDT

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - 1:56 AM EDT

Name: Chelsea

Ok Girls! Here it is! There are 10 Questions! I want a HEARTFELT ANSWER for each one! Not just yes or no or one sentence! It won' take you very long and there are prizes for the top 2 consultants' scores!!! Answer in Pink!

1. What did Mary Kay say about attitude and do you keep a positive attitude ALL the time? “If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t you’re right.” I don’t keep a positive attitude all the time because I’m afraid of failure. I see all these obstacles that I have to overcome and they frighten me so my attitude because very negative as I see and start to approach these obstacles.

2. Why are Weekly Meetings SO VERY IMPORTANT and how have they helped you? (If you haven't been to one in awhile tell me what is getting in the way of you coming.) Weekly meetings are important to get to know the director better and get to know other consultants better. It also is so important for training. When I have gone to meetings the have helped me in training, but recently I haven’t been able to go because of my school work or because I have previous engagements planned.

3. Mary Kay will pay like a ___business___ if you treat it like a ___business____. Fill in this statement and tell me if you think it is true and why.

4. What are your 3 agreements with me and have you fulfilled them in your business (this includes email as well!)? 1. Return calls/emails within 24 hours and when you leave a message be specific. 2. Work with consultants who want to work(be dedicated to your business.) 3. Training is essential. I don’t think that I have really done any of these. The one that I have done the best is training. I have tried to learn about the business and the products and when I’m not sure about something I ask.

5. If there is a lapse of time between order and delivery, customers are more likely to __cancel___ there order. Do you make your customers wait for there product and why?

6. What is a Power Start and have you done yours yet? A Power start is where you do 30 faces in 30 days, and no I haven’t done mine yet.

7. In order to succeed in this business, profit level _____________ is crucial. Are you up to profit level? If not, why? I didn’t hear the profit level section in the audio. I hope I am up to mine but I doubt that I am. If I’m not than I need to dedicate more time to my business to get to the level that I need to be at.

8. Why is it important to bring guests to Meeting? Have you brought guests to Meeting, why or why not? Bringing guests helps you build your team. I haven’t brought a guest because I haven’t been to very many meetings.

9. How should you form your dreams and goals in Mary Kay? Have you given yourself dreams and goals for this month and quarter? What are they and what are you going to do to reach them? You should form your dreams by writing down what you want to do and by sharing your goal with others. I have given thought to what I want my goals to be. To reach them I have written them all down which has forced me to really look at them at a regular basis and to get motivated to actually work towards them.

10. What 3 things did you feel were most important to your business in this training and why? I think the three most important things were the importance of intending the meeting, dedication to the business and using the resources (other consultants and Sarah) to help me out. These three seemed the most important because they are the ones that kept reoccurring and they’re the ones that I really need to work on.

Lindsay-I answered in pink, but when I transferred it the answers didn't remain in pink. Sorry. ~Chels~

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